Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cisco ccna exam tutorial using trivial file transfer protocol tftp

Cisco CCNA Exam Tutorial: Using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)

If TFTP isn't secure, why use it? Learn the details for your CCNA and real-world success from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933.

ccna, free, tutorial, tftp, router, copy, ios, image, pass, icnd, run, start, bryant, advantage

One of the first things you do when you start studying for the CCNA exam is memorizing a list of port numbers and the protocols that run on those ports. If you're an experienced networker, you know most of the protocols that are mentioned - DNS, DHCP, FTP, SMTP, and so on. But there's one protocol that you might not have experience with, but is actually vital for CCNA exam success and success in working with Cisco routers and switches, and that's TFTP - Trivial File Transfer Protocol.

TFTP is basically FTP's non-secure relative. There are no passwords, no authentication scheme, no nothing! As someone once told me, "If I'm transferring my files, there's nothing 'trivial' about it."

Great. So youre thinking, What the heck do we use TFTP for, anyway?

TFTP is used in the Cisco world to perform IOS upgrades and to save configs to a TFTP Server. Cisco routers can themselves serve as TFTP servers, or you can use a workstation to fill that role.

If you needed to copy an IOS image to a router, for


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Classic television show dvd popularity on the rise

Classic Television Show DVD Popularity On The Rise

In recent years, it has become a growing trend to buy and watch classic television shows on DVD for your family entertainment. The availability of some of the all-time favorite classic TV shows on DVD and video has become pervasive throughout the U.S. This allows families to not only catch up on the past seasons of the television shows that they might have missed, but to go back to the classics that we and our parents grew up watching. It is now easier than ever to find seaso...

classic television dvds, classic tv, classic television shows, classic TV DVDs

In recent years, it has become a growing trend to buy and watch classic television shows on DVD for your family entertainment. The availability of some of the all-time favorite classic TV shows on DVD and video has become pervasive throughout the U.S. This allows families to not only catch up on the past seasons of the television shows that they might have missed, but to go back to the classics that we and our parents grew up watching. It is now easier than ever to find seasons of shows that were produced 30 or 40 years ago, right alongside the DVDs of the television shows that are currently on the air. America seems to have become infatuated with remembering the characters and situations produced during the early years of television. What are the reasons for the increased popularity of classic television shows?

Classic television enthusiasts represent a large market of consumers. There were many classic sitcoms and variety shows that were aired between the 50s, 60s and 70s, that represent not only a large generation of viewers but a very powerful time in American history. They speak for the events of that age and include social and political commentary that goes right along with when they were made. Therefore, they are nostalgic entertainment and fun to relive. For those that watched these shows when they originally aired, classic TV DVDs allow them to relive that time in their life. For those that were too young to watch them when they first ran, DVDs allow them to appreciate the classics as new entertainment.

Classic television shows now available on DVD and video have created a new way to ensure that these memories are not lost. As more and more popular televisions shows became available on DVD in the 90s, there became a growing interest to see older television sitcoms on DVD as well. Shows like ER, Star Trek and The Simpsons were being sold at a tremendous rate which led to more and more people asking what happened to the other shows they once loved. Few television networks are able to show classic television programs which left a large gap of potential entertainment untapped and potentially gone forever. Without the DVD releases of these shows, the newer generations would have little knowledge about the early time in television history. But by allowing the distribution of these old sitcoms and variety shows through DVD, all generations can watch and love some of the classic shows and entertainers. Sonny and Cher, Donny and Marie and the comedic genius of Bob Hope can now be watched, remembered and cherished

In general, home entertainment and the purchase of DVDs has become one of the most popular entertainment expenditures for the American home. With televisions and DVD players become more sophisticated and movie tickets become more expensive, homes are opting to outfit their home to take on the task of keeping the family entertained. This means that more and more shows and movies to watch are also necessary. There is no shortage of network television to watch but there is a shortage on time to watch them all. When families know that they can purchase an entire season of a television shows on DVD in three to six months, they will do so. More and more we are finding families picking up classic television DVDs to watch because they werent able to watch them when they aired originally. With the television DVD market, it is now possible to follow the storylines of television shows that are on at exactly the same time. This is something that wasn't possible even ten years ago.

Classic television shows are put onto DVDs so that a whole new generation of fans can watch them. Imagine a company that can make money off of a television series even twenty years after it aired. It no longer matters if a television show is currently on the air or not. With the new trend for putting classic television DVDs in consumers hands, classic shows are able to have a second chance at life. Some viewers can find shows from their childhood and enjoy the nostalgia that goes along with them, or they can teach their own children about the shows that they used to love. In the past, once a television show was no longer on the air, there was no way to see it again. However, now shows can be enjoyed over and over again. These shows are important to many viewers in lots of different ways and by putting these classic television shows on video and DVD, they can be popular for years to come.


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Cisco ccna exam tutorial password recovery procedures

Cisco CCNA Exam Tutorial: Password Recovery Procedures

Learn how to recover from a lost password on a Cisco router from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933.

cisco, password, recovery, ccna, exam, tutorial, configuration, register, 2500, router, enable, ccie

It might happen on your CCNA exam, it might happen on your production network - but sooner or later, you're going to have to perform password recovery on a Cisco router or switch. This involves manipulating the router's configuration register, and that is enough to make some CCNA candidates and network administrators really nervous!

It's true that setting the configuration register to the wrong value can damage the router, but if you do the proper research before starting the password recovery process, you'll be fine.

Despite what some books say, there is no "one size fits all" approach to Cisco password recovery. What works on a 2500 router may not work on other routers and switches. There is a great master Cisco document out on the Web that you should bookmark today. Just put "cisco password recovery" in your favorite search engine and you should find it quickly.

The following procedure describes the process in recovering from aRecommended For You

Civil war bullet collecting

Civil War Bullet Collecting: A Hobby that Honors the Past

Did you know that during the Civil War, more than 1000 different types of bullets were used? This is one reason Civil War bullet collecting has become a popular hobby. Another reason is that the time of the Civil War saw changes taking place in the development of firearms and ammunition. The old round musketballs of the Revolution were being replaced with bullets in the shape we are accustomed to. While musketballs are found on Civil War battlefields, the most common type of bullet used was the .58-caliber bullet with three rings around the base. Many bullets found are splattered out of shape. If you've always been fascinated by the Civil War and firearms, Civil War bullet collecting is a hobby you will enjoy.

With the advent of Internet buying and selling, Civil War bullets have become more collectible, and the prices have gone up quickly. Not only this, sometimes sellers are not informed and ask more than the bullet is worth. For these


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Classes of canadian immigrants

Classes of Canadian Immigrants

Immigration to Canada refers to when individuals or certain groups of people migrate to Canada in order to reside in that country permanently. Many people, fortunately, are granted permission to become citizens. But, still, many is not equivalent to all, as hundreds of applicants still go home empty-handed as they are not allowed Canadian citizenship.

Since then, people coming from different countries and races have been migrating to Canada. It is because of this that the rates of immigration within Canada have largely increased, especially after certain laws were passed. It was in 1947 that some changes were made to the immigration status or level of the country, primarily because of the domestic immigration law, particularly the Immigration Act of 1976. Aside from the aforementioned laws, there is also the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act of 2002.

Classes of immigrants

Canadian immigrants are actually further subdivided into three quite distinct categories. The first one is the Family Class, which involves the people who are closely related to individuals who are already residents of Canada.

The next one is the Independent Immigrant, which means that that particular immigrant has been admitted entry on the basis of a certain point system that accounts for the persons health, market or labor related skills, health, and age. These factors largely affect whether or not they will be granted permission to enter the country since they will determine if that certain immigrant has the talents or the skills necessary for a cost-effective experience within the white collar or blue collar labor system of Canada.

And, lastly, Refugees comprise of the third category of immigrants. These Refugees are the ones who seek protection from other nations by applying to stay in Canada.

Total immigrant population

In the year 2008, there were around sixty-five thousand five hundred and sixty-seven immigrants categorized under Family Class, twenty-one thousand and eight hundred sixty Refugees, with one hundred and forty-nine thousand seventy-two economic immigrants among the total population of immigrants that amount to two hundred forty-seven thousand two hundred and forty-three.

Today, Canada is regarded as the country that has the broadest policies regarding immigration. In fact, such policies are also reflected in the ethnic diversity of the country. Moreover, it was in 2001 that Statistics Canada showed that the country has around thirty-four varied ethnic groups, having at least a hundred thousand members in each group.

Immigrant minorities

More than sixteen percent has been proven to be comprised of the countrys visible minorities, with South Asians being the most abundant, ranking at four percent of the entire population of minorities. the chinese comprised of nearly four percent, the Blacks or the African Americans had nearly two and a half percent while Filipinos have more than one percent.

Outstripping the visible minorities when it comes to proportion are the french or the non-British invisible minorities, with Germans at more than ten percent, the Dutch at nearly four percent, the Italians at nearly five percent, Ukrainians at nearly four percent, and the Polish at more than three percent.


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Clarity crafted from common sense

Clarity Crafted From Common Sense!

A massive show of political unity at home will affect troop morale, on both sides!

Lets face it; we are all liberals, no matter how conservative we may be. The Puritans who founded America conquered dangers and disasters to win religious freedom, but they were liberals. In 1754, Benjamin Franklin depicted a rattlesnake cut into eight sections in his Pennsylvania Gazette. The eight sections of snake symbolized eight eastern seaboard colonies and the caption said Join or D...

Support Our Troops,September 11,World Trade Center,win votes,boost morale,t-shirts,sweatshirts,9/11

A massive show of political unity at home will affect troop morale, on both sides!

Lets face it; we are all liberals, no matter how conservative we may be. The Puritans who founded America conquered dangers and disasters to win religious freedom, but they were liberals. In 1754, Benjamin Franklin depicted a rattlesnake cut into eight sections in his Pennsylvania Gazette. The eight sections of snake symbolized eight eastern seaboard colonies and the caption said Join or Die! It was a call to arms during the french and Indian war. By 1776, an image of a coiled rattlesnake, with Dont Tread on Me, became an American icon of independence and a battle cry engrained in the Spirit of 76.

What is different about the liberalism of the Puritans and the liberalism of the progressive movement in America today? In a word, the difference is morality. The Puritans personified deeply held, Bible based morality with their liberalism. When morality is stripped away from liberalism, the result is 30 million aborted babies over thirty years, legalized sodomy and the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), all protected by the immoral ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).

Born in 1954, I was a classic Love Generation, anti-Vietnam War liberal, living at the speed of party! It is unbelievable; what our generation has lived through. The sexual revolution, womens lib, the music revolution, the recreational drug awakening, the Civil Rights marches, the nuclear arms race, the space race, the information revolution spawned by the computer, the internet, satellites and cell phones are just part of what we have witnessed! What a wonderful life and evolution of our democracy, in our time!

Our choices for president in 1972, when I turned eighteen and got a draft card, were Richard Nixon and Hubert Humphrey. I did not vote that year. Most profound, perhaps, we stopped the Vietnam War to protect those poor rice farmers, from US troops. We quit and came home. Then, between 1975 and 1978, the Viet Cong and Khmer Rouge slaughtered about three million of those peasants who we demonstrated in US streets to protect, from US troops. How foolish we were!

The lesson is clear: really bad guys immediately fill the muscle void when good men stand down and go home. Those who rallied our utopian filled minds to stop the war were mostly silent about the genocide that ensued, after US troops were withdrawn. Our killed and wounded were sacrificed in great numbers. In the end, their mission and our allies were simply abandoned by Congress and our divided nation.

We grew up with Why We Fight, Victory At Sea, Combat, Black Sheep Squadron, Rat Patrol and other programs about WWII, the death camps and the cost of freedom on TV. This type of programming saturated the few over-the-air channels and we found it educational, entertaining and fascinating. Many of us still find it fascinating. It was all about the gritty, epic struggle between freedom and tyranny and it was very patriotic!

The Rifleman, Leave It To Beaver, Gunsmoke, My Three Sons, Bonanza, The Waltons, Wild Kingdom and All In The Family are just a few programs I recall that were favorites for lighter entertainment. And the Ed Sullivan show. It was all pretty wholesome fare and we loved it. The America of our youth is already gone forever, in case you missed its passing.

We watched in naive befuddlement while the Shah of Iran was overthrown by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard in Tehran, who used US hostages as pawns on TV for over a year beginning in 1979. Interest rates were sky high and lines at gas stations were longer than that. Our President at the time was a former peanut farmer and most of us watched, from afar, the rise of radical Islam without understanding it.

As a result of the gasoline shortages that followed, there was a lot of talk about energy independence. Certainly, the masses of us did not connect the dots between buying foreign oil and funding terrorism. Apparently, neither did our elected leaders who were most interested in re-election, as they almost always are above al


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Classic toys never go out of style

Classic Toys Never Go Out Of Style

Who hasnt heard the old saying.back when I was young? Times have changed and so have the toys our children play with. Video games now dot the landscape with violence and virtual worlds for our children to enjoy.

But something else has changed with this new age, the availability of classic toys. With the Internet, it is now possible to find the toys your grandfather or your father grew up playing with. These toys never go out of style. Lets take a look at the history o...



Who hasnt heard the old saying.back when I was young? Times have changed and so have the toys our children play with. Video games now dot the landscape with violence and virtual worlds for our children to enjoy.

But something else has changed with this new age, the availability of classic toys. With the Internet, it is now possible to find the toys your grandfather or your father grew up playing with. These toys never go out of style. Lets take a look at the history of one of these toys: The Erector Set

A. C. Gilbert was a brilliant man. At the time of his death in 1962, he was credited with 150 patents for the inventions that went into his products. In fact, as a boy he was a talented magician and it was that talent that helped him pay his tuition to Yale Medical School. While going to school and performing as a magician, he formed Mysto Manufacturing, a company that sold magic kits to children.

Gilbert ultimately finished Yale Medical School, but decided to enter the toy business rather than prac


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Clark air base the home to manufacturers of the worlds best handmade wooden model airplanes

Clark Air Base the home to manufacturers of the Worlds Best Handmade Wooden Model Airplanes


The history of Wooden Model Aircraft Manufacture in the Philippines including information on current production techniques

Model Airplanes,Aircraft Models,Handmade Model Airplanes,Wooden Model Aircraft Manufacture,Aircraft Models,Hand Carved Wooden Replica Aircraft,Custom Handmade Desktop Wooden Model

Very few people know about the origin of those beautiful shiny and finely detailed aircraft models that they see in travel agents, airports and in the homes and offices of those involved with, or in love with, the Aviation Industry. Without wanting to sound condescending, very few people particularly of the young generation would be able to stick a pin in the map and point to the Philippines, let alone Clark Air Base.

Clark Air Base was a former U.S. Air Force base on one of the three main islands in the Philippines Luzon and is now known as the Clark Special Economic Zone. It is near the city of Angeles in the province of Pampanga and about 40 miles (60 km) northwest of Manila. Clark Air Base was arguably the most urbanized military facility in history, and was the largest American base overseas. The base was converted into a special economic zone after the American military left the Philippines in 1992. Clark Air Base was an American military facility from 1903 to 1991. The base covered 14.3 squa


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Cisco ccnp bsci exam tutorial eigrp route summarization

Cisco CCNP / BSCI Exam Tutorial: EIGRP Route Summarization

Its not enough to know how to summarize routes to pass the BSCI exam, you need to know the commands for each protocol! Learn how to summarize routes in EIGRP with Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933.

Ccnp, bsci, exam, pass, route, summarization, summarize, binary, conversion, eigrp, ospf, external, route, summary, address

Summarizing routes is a vital skill to learn to pass the BSCI exam and get one step closer to earning your CCNP. The actual binary conversions are only part of the test, though! You've got to know how to correctly apply the summary routes, and that differs from one protocol to the next. In the last few CCNP / BSCI tutorials, we've looked at using the "area range" and "summary-address" commands to perform OSPF route summarization. Today, we'll take a look at summarizing routes in EIGRP.

We'll use the following four loopback addresses in this example:

Loopback 16, /32

Loopback 17, /32

Loopback 18, /32

Loopback 19. /32

On R1, we'll place these four addresses into EIGRP AS 100.

R1(config-if)#router eigrp 100






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City breaks in paris

City Breaks In Paris

Paris is simply the city that has it all. From its birth on the banks of the Seine in 52 BC as Julius Caesar continued his conquest of Europe, the City of Light has always commanded a captive audience.

Paris is synonymous with iconic landmarks. Theres nothing quite like watching the Eiffel Tower light up on a beautiful moonlit night, reaching out to the stars and beyond.

Many first time travellers to Paris arrive via the rather underwhelming Eurostar train terminal. Bu...



Paris is simply the city that has it all. From its birth on the banks of the Seine in 52 BC as Julius Caesar continued his conquest of Europe, the City of Light has always commanded a captive audience.

Paris is synonymous with iconic landmarks. Theres nothing quite like watching the Eiffel Tower light up on a beautiful moonlit night, reaching out to the stars and beyond.

Many first time travellers to Paris arrive via the rather underwhelming Eurostar train terminal. But dont let first impressions deter you. the french charm is soon apparent upon the city streets.

But be careful navigating the roads. Parisian drivers are notoriously erratic and have been known to create some wonderful scenes of mayhem.

Perhaps the safest option is to travel on the very efficient Metro. The underground rail network is one of the best in the world. Clean and safe, the whole city becomes instantly accessible at a very reasonable price.

Many first timers


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Class c ip address help boost pagerank

Class-c IP address help boost pagerank

If you are having multiple websites linking together and those websites are from the same IP address, this is really bad for SEO, and this will hurt your website ranking in search engines and also drop in google pagerank.

web hosting, hostgator, host gator, pagerank, seo

As a case study, on April 2007 google updates, I having about 10 websites. And got 2 of them are sitting in the same server and linked to each other. In general all my websites are increased in pagerank, except the two that are sitting in the same server.

The major issue that I identified is one of the two website, the homepage/index page is having pagerank lower than the inner page. I did a backlink checked and all backlinks are going to main page, not the inner page. Question is why the inner page got better pagerank instead?

We know that pagerank from page A flow to Page B when they are linked together. And the inner page pagerank must be come from index page, as there is no external source that link to inner page.

Finally I found out from online webmaster forums, that there are few discussion about this as well. And its concluded that the same IP address is the main caused for this. Some view it as google sandbox. But its not totally correct. Google sandbox is where your website is totally drop from google SERP.

Definitely you will either need to place your websites at different web server at different location, or get a class-c ip address for each of your websites. Hostgator is offering really good seo hosting as well, view here for more information on seo hosting and how class c ip can help you as well.


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Monday, October 21, 2013

Cisco voip

cisco voip

Cisco VoIP, Easy Shortcut to an Effective and Unified Communication

Technology has a never-ending story. It speaks about change and evolution and not about permanence. From film-making to video game consoles, expect that technology will find a way to change these things into something that will interest the public as well as have it coping up with the drastic change of time and society.

From the traditional method of recording films during the pre-war times, there you have modern film-making equipments to help film-makers and producers make their movies very interesting to the viewing public. Fantasy, scientific fiction (sci-fi), and animated movies are now possible with these modern film-making gadgets and equipments. On the other hand, from the 2-dimesional graphics and monotonous audio outputs of Magnavox and Atari video game systems, there you have the seventh generation of video game consoles, such as the newly-released playstation 3 and the Xbox 360, which is now the center of attention of the gaming public.

Technology changed the way the people look and use such stuff.

It is not surprising to see communication tools evolve through the course of history. From the Morse code and telegraph mode of communication during the early times come the modern and sophisticated communication tools, which are produced for a single purpose-to provide individuals an effective, reliable, and convenient communication channel in keeping in touch with their friends and loved ones all over the world.

Regular telephone lines started the saga of modern communication system, which allowed individuals to make voice calls anywhere in the world in exchange for a certain fee charge on a per-minute or per-call basis, depending on the telephone service provider. At the later decades of the 20th century, mobile phones were introduced to the market. Such mobile phones allowed a user to make voice calls even if he or she is in a remote area, provided that the mobile phone service reaches such remote area. Satellite phones are also produced to cater individuals who are living outside the coverage area of a regular mobile phone service provider. These are all products of technology to make existing communication systems convenient and reliable for the public to use.

At the early years of the 21st century, the communication industry introduced another form of modern communication, which is said to be the most reliable and cost-effective communication tool nowadays-the Voice over Internet Protocol, or commonly known as VoIP. This latest communication offering is now wisely used for business application and now getting popular among residential and other applications as well.

VoIP differs from other communication system in one thing-communication medium. Unlike in regular telephone lines that make use of underground telephone cables and mobile phone lines that make use of signal towers, VoIP relies on a high-speed Internet connection to facilitate voice calls. Thus, VoIP routes voice conversations using the Internet or other Internet Protocol (IP)-based networks.

VoIP became popular to business applications because it cuts down telephone bills by as much as 60 percent, both in terms of installation costs and monthly bills. You only need to purchase one VoIP infrastructure and upgrade your existing VoIP system if you will need several lines in the future. In addition, VoIP systems are cheaper by about 22 percent in terms of operation compared to circuit-switched networks. That is why the installation cost and monthly billing in VoIP system is cheaper compared to regular telephone lines.

Such advantages prompt telecommunication giants to switch from their traditional phone system operations to VoIP system. One of which is Cisco, which provides VoIP-based structures to help business organizations integrate their communication system closely with their business processes as well as to ensure that information and other data reaches the intended recipients by using the most appropriate medium.

Cisco's primary VoIP offering, which is the Cisco Unified Communication, is now a recognized product in voice as well as in data communication. It combined the advantageous features of networking security and open application programming interface to facilitate an effective business communication channel within the walls of your business organization, which can lead to simplified network management and lower total cost of business operation.

Soon, Cisco will introduce the VoIP system extensively to residential and other essential applications. They are committed to provide an effective and unified communication not just for businesses but for the world as a whole.


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Cisco ccnp bcmsn exam tutorial dynamic vlans and vmps

Cisco CCNP / BCMSN Exam Tutorial: Dynamic VLANs and VMPS

To pass the BCMSN exam, youve got to know the basics of dynamic VLANs and VMPS. Learn the basics from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933.

Ccnp, bcmsn, pass, exam, training, vmps, dynamic, vlan, network, port, assignment, free, host, mac, address, switch

Knowledge of Dynamic VLANs and VMPS is important in your efforts to pass the BCMSN exam and earn your CCNP, and it's also a great skill to have for your networking career.

As a CCNA and CCNP candidate, you know how and why to configure static VLANs. Static VLANs can be a powerful tool for reducing unnecessary broadcast and multicast traffic, but if hosts are moved from one switch port to another, you've got to make those changes manually on the switch. With Dynamic VLANs, the changes are made - how else? - dynamically.

The actual configuration of dynamic VLANs is out of the scope of the BCMSN exam, but as a CCNP candidate you need to know the basics of VMPS - a VLAN Membership Policy Server.

Using VMPS results in port VLAN membership changes being performed dynamically, because the port's VLAN membership is decided by the source MAC address of the device connected to that port. (Yet another reason that the first value a switch looks at on an incoming frame is the source MAC address.)

In my home lab n


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City breaks in new york city

City Breaks In New York City

When Henry Hudson arrived in 1609 few could possibly have anticipated the legacy he would leave behind. From humble beginnings, New York City has developed into the greatest metropolis on the planet.

Far from the crime ridden cesspit portrayed in films from the 1970s, New York has cleaned up its act. Many visitors are pleasantly surprised at the new found order and obedience within the present city.

Few places can compare for modern human spirit, depicted perfectly in t...



When Henry Hudson arrived in 1609 few could possibly have anticipated the legacy he would leave behind. From humble beginnings, New York City has developed into the greatest metropolis on the planet.

Far from the crime ridden cesspit portrayed in films from the 1970s, New York has cleaned up its act. Many visitors are pleasantly surprised at the new found order and obedience within the present city.

Few places can compare for modern human spirit, depicted perfectly in the mass gathering of human emotion that is the New York City Marathon. Sunset in Central Park is the motivation for training.

But New York is also a place for individuals. The mammoth manmade canyons a consequence of New Yorks endeavour to reach the sky with its epic buildings provide a space to reflect on its worldwide fame.

For many New Yorkers the sun can prove pretty elusive. The rousing skyscrapers shroud the Big Apple in shadow for much of the time.

For the tourists however, New York is blessed with iconic landmarks on every


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Civilian crime fighters

Civilian Crime Fighters


Australian Volunteers Against Crime (AVAC) Crime Watch

Much of our neighborhood and city-based crime is a direct result of drug abuse. Many of the home break-ins and car break-ins are a result of addicts looking for quick money or cashable items to pay for their next hit. Many citizens are victims of this behavior and would love to find a way to fight back to stop this predation on our citizens.

In Canberra, capital city of Australia, some citizens simply had enough of ...



Australian Volunteers Against Crime (AVAC) Crime Watch

Much of our neighborhood and city-based crime is a direct result of drug abuse. Many of the home break-ins and car break-ins are a result of addicts looking for quick money or cashable items to pay for their next hit. Many citizens are victims of this behavior and would love to find a way to fight back to stop this predation on our citizens.

In Canberra, capital city of Australia, some citizens simply had enough of becoming victims of crime and decided to fight back. They decided they had had enough of suffering from break-ins to their offices, their cars and even their homes.

To set the scene of how a small group of seven citizens formed a civilian Crime Fighting organization, we need to study the situation that the Gorman House Arts Centre found itself in.

Gorman House Arts Centre comprises eight heritage buildings situated on a city block close to the civic centre of Canberra. The Gorman House precinct is home to about 40 art organizations. Some are famous like The Australian Choreographic Centre, The ACT Writers Centre, The Canberra Youth Theatre, art gallery and a host of artists. An award winning sage restaurant is also part of the complex and was a direct target of criminals seeking their takings.

When I came to work at the Art Centre as the buildings and grounds manager in 1997 I was also given the job of Security manager as I had trained in Security and was a registered security officer. When I arrived I found the tenants were in a state of siege from criminals that preyed on the organizations that worked at Gorman House.

I discovered that each year there were over seventy break-ins that occurred through windows, doors and through the tiled roof areas. There were continuous bag snatches, snatch and grabs when offenders rushed into offices and made off with valuables. There were regular drug deals centered on the several public toilet areas. And cars belonging to tenants were continually being broken into. Most weeks I was called out at night by our security company to attend new break-ins and secure the premises. Tenants were scared and frightened by this constant predation on them and the premises.

I made arrangements to meet with Federal police officers at the Civic police station. There I met a sergeant who was extremely interested in helping me attack our problem head-on. He came out to the Art Centre and I showed him around. He quickly showed he had a good understanding of what was happening and made some very astute observations and provided me with advice and suggestions as to what we would do to stop this predation on the Art Centre.

His first suggestion was to lock all toilet doors. Only tenant key holders in future would have access. This would stop the toilets from being a meeting place for drug dealers and use by addicts. The second he suggested was for us at the Art Centre to form our own undercover crime fighting organization. We approached 6 tenants who were located in strategic areas of the Centre and asked for their help. They all readily agreed to become under cover observers. They had had enough of the crime and wanted to fight back! Their job was now to observe any criminal activity such as drug dealers, addicts and vehicles used by these people. They were to take accurate descriptions of offenders, provide exact times and places these people met around the area. They were then to write up accurate and detailed Incident reports and provide them to me daily so I could record them and then send them directly to the Police Intelligence office.

The security company was also briefed and became a willing arm to our strategy. Then, almost immediately the Incident Reports started coming in, and police fielded their undercover teams. We installed a squad in strategic offices and theatres near where the offenders congregated and police officers could watch from cover what was happening.

As soon as a drug deal went down the undercover officers would slip quietly out of the observation area and grab the addicts and dealers in one swoop. In a matter of weeks the whole area quietened down. Also when ever a police patrol car was in the neighborhood they would swing around Gorman House showing a strong police presence.

In the first year of operations we reduced the crime rate down from 72 major incidents down to 35. The next year it dropped to 15 incidents. And the police had arrested 122 offenders. Most went to jail. But in the third year we began to experience, what appeared to be 'copy cat' break-ins. However, when the offenders were caught it was found they were previous offenders that were away in jail but had completed their sentence and had come back to continue their life of crime in the area they were most familiar with. It says something for the undercover work that we were doing that the criminals had no got on to the fact Gorman House was now a dangerous place for criminals to prey on! These re-offenders went back to jail.

Five years on, the precinct is a safe place to visit and work in. We seldom have more than three or four minor incidents a year. This is all mainly due to the brave civilian under cover crime fighters that took up the challenge and fought back.

This example can be taken up by any community that is sick and tired of being victims of criminal activity. A proactive police force, combined with citizens and a proactive security firm can beat the criminals every time.

With our growing experience in civilian crime fighting I produced a Crime Watch Manual for teaching the surveillance and observation techniques to new members and others wishing to learn. If every citizen knew these techniques and could provide several high quality leads to Police Crime Stoppers every year, crime would take a beating. We can make our workplaces and neighborhoods safe again.


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Classic cars become focus of edmunds.com s 40th year

5 Benefits Of Car Covers How Can They Protect Your Investment?

Why Buy A Custom-Fit Car Cover? To help protect your investment and keep your vehicle looking show-room new. Keeping your vehicle covered with a car cover can:

     Prevent unsightly dents, dings and scratches

     Shield it against finish-destroying man-made and natural hazards

     Act as an excellent theft deterrent

     Put a barrier between your paint and damaging weather

     For the fifth car cover benefit visit AutoAnything.com for more details

Dents, Dings and Scratches Reference

There's a certain feeling you experience when you discover that first dent, ding or scratch on your new vehicle. Unfortunately, they're a fact of life and nothing short of covering your vehicle with reactive tank armor will truly prevent them. However, using a car cover adds a layer of protective padding to cushion against runaway shopping carts, absent-minded car doors or other blows.

Natural Hazards Guide

Birds, trees, dust. They certainly seem harmless enough, but without a car cover, they can inflict serious damage to your prized vehicle.

Our fine feathered friends seem to have impeccable aim when it comes to leaving their droppings on our vehicles. Outdoor car covers catch bird bombs before they splatter against your paintjob. Plus, the majority of outdoor car cover fabrics are not harmed by the droppings acidity outdoor car cover fabrics.

The shady spot under a tree may look like a welcome spot to park your vehicle. However, with nuts, berries, sap, pollen, not to mention the roosting birds, parking under a tree can wreak havoc on your vehicle. A car cover can help keep your vehicle cool, even in the sun. Or, if you do park under a tree, a car cover can safeguard your vehicle from the onslaught.

Your vehicle's paint is only about 0.006 inches thick. Whether indoors or out, when dust sits on your paint it turns abrasive and causes minute scratches. By the time you notice them, it's already too late. Both indoor car cover fabrics and outdoor car cover fabrics are designed to keep dust away from the surface of your vehicle.

Theft Deterrent Reference

Though it may only look like a thin layer of fabric, a Covercraft car cover can do an amazing job at keeping thieves away from your vehicle. Since time is crucial in not getting caught, thieves often pass by covered vehicles, which take longer to get into, and go after easier prey. And, if you add a lock and cable to your car cover, you will not only keep your cover secure, but your vehicle becomes even harder to steal.

Damaging Weather Guide

You don't have to be a meteorologist to know that harsh weather can do a number on your vehicle's finish. An occasional spring shower poses no real threat to your vehicle. However, seemingly harmless rain can find its way into tiny scratches or blemishes and start the corrosion process. And, acid rain - well, the name says it all. A water-resistant car cover will keep your vehicle high and dry.

Harsh UV (ultraviolet) rays and the intense radiant heat of the Sun can cook the color right out of your paint. A car cover is like sunscreen for your vehicle, blocking harmful UV light and preventing photo degradation. And, a lighter colored car cover will yield a reflective cooling effect.

It's not the cold that gets to your vehicle's finish - it's the moisture and salt. These two corrosive cohorts are in cahoots to ravage your paint. Fortunately, a car cover can keep both these culprits away from your vehicle.

The fundamental advantages of custom-fit car covers

A custom-fit car cover is specially tailored to the lines of your vehicle. No detail is left unturned. Custom-fit car covers hug every contour of your vehicle and feature sewn-in mirror pockets, plus grommet holes for antennas.

On the other hand, low-quality universal-fit car covers are baggy and can slip, slide and rub against your paint, destroying your finish. Additionally, the poor fit allows the harsh elements to creep in at every gap and defeat the purpose of the cover.

The specialized cut of a custom-fit car cover is far and away the best choice to wrap up and protect your vehicle.

When deciding which car cover is right for your vehicle, we advise that you consider:

     Where you park and how often you use your vehicle

     The weather in your area

     What color is right for your vehicle and storage needs

Where You Park and How Often You Use Your vehicle:

     When you park outside and cover up every day, you may want to choose a lightweight outdoor car cover that's simple to use and easy to fold.

     For those who park in crowded lots or on streets with children at play and heavy pedestrian traffic, a thicker heavyweight outdoor car cover that provides some dent and ding protection is best.

     If you garage your vehicle and frequently cover and uncover it, a lightweight indoor car cover is ideal.

     Choose a heavier indoor car cover to keep your classic safe for long-term storage.

     A super-soft indoor car cover lets you pamper your "baby" and keep it safe and secure.

The Weather in Your Area

The ideal car cover for your vehicle is greatly influenced by your local weather. Many materials have been developed to deal with specific inclement weather conditions. Rainy parts of the country like the Pacific Northwest and Deep South would demand an outdoor car cover with exceptional water resistance. The coastal areas along the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf of Mexico need a car cover that will protect from and last in salty air. In the sunniest zones of the country like the desert Southwest, a Coverking car cover with extra UV and photo degradation protection and reflective properties makes the most sense.

Tips on What Color is Right for Your vehicle and Storage Needs

Car covers are offered in an array of colors, but picking the right hue isn't solely a matter of personal taste. Here are a few tips and points of reference to help you with your choice:

     If you live in a sunnier climate, you'll want a lighter colored fabric for outdoor storage.

     If you have a lighter colored vehicle, a lighter colored fabric is safer for your paint. Bright colors, although thoroughly, tested could bleed under certain conditions.

     If you're looking for style, a vibrant color can lend your vehicle character or compliment its finish.



Government Car Auctions Provide Cheaper Cars Than Anywhere Else

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Classic tapestries collection the tapestry cycle

Classic Tapestries Collection - The Tapestry Cycle

The French say, "La Dame a la Licorne", which I think may be best interpreted in English as "The Lady and the Unicorn", also known as the Tapestry Cycle. It is one of the greatest works of art of the Middle Ages in Europe. The original Tapestry Cycle resides in the Musee de Cluny, in Paris, France since 1882.

There are six (6) tapestries that make up the series in The Tapestry Cycle, which was woven long ago in the late fifteenth century in Flanders and made of silk and w...

tapestries,tapestry,lady and the unicorn,the tapestry cycle,home decor

The French say, "La Dame a la Licorne", which I think may be best interpreted in English as "The Lady and the Unicorn", also known as the Tapestry Cycle. It is one of the greatest works of art of the Middle Ages in Europe. The original Tapestry Cycle resides in the Musee de Cluny, in Paris, France since 1882.

There are six (6) tapestries that make up the series in The Tapestry Cycle, which was woven long ago in the late fifteenth century in Flanders and made of silk and wool. Six different tapestries depict the six senses: touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing, and "to my only desire" or as the french say, " mon seu dsir". We interpret this to be "love" in all languages.

Not so easily grasped is the meaning of the sixth tapestry. To my only desire or as they say in French, Mon Seul Dsir - We shall call this our sense of Love. A very good sense indeed. This is the wider of all the other tapestries and the style is slightly different than the rest. Some feel the lady is putting her pearls into a chest as a renunciation of passions that were aroused by the other senses... an assertion of free will, yes? No? Maybe? Or perhaps this sixth sense is "understanding", (Jean Gerson, 1420). And last but not least there is the interpretation of love or virginity. You decide.

One common "thread" within each of these tapestries is a noble lady with the unicorn to her left the lion and to her right. However, some of the series will have a monkey instead of the lion. A pennant and armor are held up by the unicorn and lion which marks the powerful nobleman in the King Charles court, Jean Le Viste, who sponsored the work of art. The style of this work is of mille-fleurs, meaning a thousand flowers. A harmony of colors were used in a limited number of shades to provide poetic enchangment.

Having a reproduction of any of these six (6) series of tapestries is very popular and they are sought after. It can be thought of as that intellectual and educational wall hanging that will enhance your home decor. Regardless, these conversation pieces stir the imagination and bring on the many talks about the different interpretation of each of these six (6) senses in these wall hangings, as well as why these tapestries were sponsored and for what reason or reasons.

A fun tale and a fun time in the telling of these stories. Every tapestry tells a story... do you know the stories? Do you know the tales? It makes for a fun day at the museum, when you can take along Mr. Art History... a friend of mine. If you don't have one... a Mr. Art History that is, you always have some fun in my writings and those of others in telling you a bit of what we enjoy and our thoughts on these fine works of art.


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Clarify your business presentations with an editable map

Clarify Your Business Presentations with an Editable Map

Give dynamic presentations easily with editable maps...

map, powerpoint map, editable map, digital map, usa map, us map, state map, illustrator map, vector map, county map, cou

When you need to put together a professional business presentation that shows illustrations or locations, an editable map can help you pinpoint and clarify your message. Whether you're giving an oral presentation with visual aids or a written presentation, you can customize editable maps to meet your needs.

What is an Editable Map?

An editable map is one that can be edited to meet the demands of your presentation with colors, text, lines, and so forth. These maps can be purchased online and downloaded into a variety of formats. Editable maps are available for different locations around the world. You can buy, download and edit any type of map you need - country map, world map, US map, state map, county map, continent map, illustrator map, or digital map.

Formats for Editable Maps

Editable maps come in a variety of formats including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, and freehand. Vector maps are available in layered, fully editable vector format. These can be edited in Adobe Illustrator or with another vector editing tool. There are also PowerPoint maps, Flash maps (for Web applications), and HTML clickable maps (for interactive online presentations).

PowerPoint maps dazzle everyone when giving marketing and sales presentations. They're also perfect for territory assignments, store locators, and many other applications. Flash maps are great for website presentations or multimedia projects. Clickable HTML maps work well for online store locators and directories. With clickable maps, visitors to your website can quickly click a section within your map to find out where your company's stores, warehouses, plants, or offices are located.

Pinpoint Locations around the World in Your Presentations

With such a variety of editable maps available, you can easily pinpoint a location anywhere in the world. There are maps for the continents, countries, regions or states, and cities. You can generalize or be very specific in your presentation with minimal effort. For instance, you might need to generalize all states or regions on a whole USA map or you might need to focus on only one state within the USA using a state map.

Give Professional Presentations

Editable maps not only make it easier to pinpoint locations, but also add a sense of professionalism to your presentations. The phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" holds true with almost any presentation. Your live audience or readers will better relate to your words when they're able to view an illustrative map. The editable map enables you to turn your words into an illustration with just the click of a mouse - no artistic skills required. A side benefit is that a visual aid can also take the edge off when you're nervous about speaking in front of people.

You can find a variety of editable maps online at affordable prices. Editable maps usually range from $20 to $100 and can be purchased from your own home or office computer. They can also be used to enhance company brochures, newsletters, magazines, bulletins, and a number of other written applications. With editable maps, you can transform your next ordinary presentation into a dynamic one!


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Classic cars show down

Classic Cars Show Down

Just recently, another car show was successfully conducted. In Los Angeles Sylvan Park, hundreds of car enthusiasts flocked to attend the Optimist Car Show and Chili Cook-off. The event took off with more than 350 classic vehicles, cars, and autos in attendance plus a huge number of motorcycles as well.

auto parts,Plymouth,Plymouth Voyager parts,Plymouth accessories

In the auto world, one of the most sought after events are classic car shows. This is usually one of those events where you can find lots of car lovers, aficionados, followers, and simple car enthusiasts. And because classic car shows are events where various kinds of people can simply stare, gawk, or even appreciate at all the unusual and really classic autos and vehicles, it would not be very surprising to see throngs and throngs of people during such events.

Just recently, another car show was successfully conducted. In Los Angeles Sylvan Park, hundreds of car enthusiasts flocked to attend the Optimist Car Show and Chili Cook-off. This car show actually is done every year and the year 2006 marks as the 15th time that such an event was held.

Such an event features classic cars. However, there are other main attractions that attendees could find interesting. While going through the area, one can find live music from a couple of bands. There are also various stalls that offer a huge range of food choi


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Cisco ccnp certification bsci exam tutorial route summarization basics

Cisco CCNP Certification / BSCI Exam Tutorial: Route Summarization Basics

To pass the BSCI exam and earn your CCNP certification, youve got to master the basics of route summarization. Learn how to do just that in this article from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933.

Ccnp, ccna, exam, pass, free, certification, route, summarization, rip, igrp, eigrp, ospf

As you earn your CCNA and CCNP certification, you're going to have to get comfortable with manually summarizing routes. This isn't just another reason to learn binary math (although it's a good one!), but summarizing routes is a true real-world skill that can help your network operate more efficiently. So the question isn't just how to summarize routes, it's why.

When you summarize routes in RIP, IGRP, EIGRP, or OSPF, you're replacing a series of routes with a summary route and mask. With RIP, IGRP, and EIGRP, this actually lessens the size of the routing update packet itself - multiple routes are replaced with the summary route. For instance, the routes,,, and can be summarized as Only the summary address will be found in the update packet, making it concise yet complete.

Summarizing routes can also make the routing table smaller, yet still allow for complete IP connect


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Cisco ccnp bsci exam tutorial route summarization

Cisco CCNP / BSCI Exam Tutorial: Route Summarization

To pass the BSCI exam and earn your CCNP certification, youve got to master route summarization. Learn how to create the summary routes and apply them correctly from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933.

Ccnp, exam, bsci, video, route, summary, summarization, rip, eigrp, ospf, area, range, address, pass, free

Preparing to pass the BSCI exam and earn your Cisco CCNP? Route summarization is just one of the many skills you'll have to master in order to earn your CCNP. Whether it's RIP version 2, OSPF, or EIGRP, the BSCI exam will demand that you can flawlessly configure route summarization.

Route summarization isn't just important for the BSCI exam. It's a valuable skill to have in the real world as well. Correctly summarizing routes can lead to smaller routing tables that are still able to route packets accurately - what I like to call "concise and complete" routing tables.

The first skill you've got to have in order to work with route summarization is binary math more specifically, you must be able to take multiple routes and come up with both a summary route and mask to advertise to downstream routers. Given the networks /16, /16, /16, and /16, could you quickly come up with both the summary address and mask? All you need to do is break the four network nu


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Clairvoyance is a gift that very few possess. People that are clairvoyant have the ability to see what others cannot. Clairvoyance is also often referred to as the sixth sense. Speaking with a clairvoyant can allow you to learn about the spiritual world and perhaps gain insight about your future. Back in ancient times, clairvoyance was known as the ability to prophesize. Clairvoyance especially grew in popularity during the 1800s in Europe. Numerous clairvoyants proved their ...

psychic,psychics,astrology,horoscope,tarot,paranormal,new age

Clairvoyance is a gift that very few possess. People that are clairvoyant have the ability to see what others cannot. Clairvoyance is also often referred to as the sixth sense. Speaking with a clairvoyant can allow you to learn about the spiritual world and perhaps gain insight about your future. Back in ancient times, clairvoyance was known as the ability to prophesize. Clairvoyance especially grew in popularity during the 1800s in Europe. Numerous clairvoyants proved their abilities by reading letters that were sealed in envelopes and holding sances where the dead were contacted. There have been numerous studies done by reputable scientists that help prove the existence of clairvoyance.

Clairvoyants bring us messages from other realms that we are unable to access. The way that clairvoyance works is the psychic will receive images or messages in their mind. Clairvoyants have the ability to use their Third Eye to receive these messages. The Third Eye is believed to be located in the pineal gland and has long been associated with having psychic abilities.

Clairvoyance is not only the ability to see the deceased. Clairvoyants are also able to see objects or people in distant places. They can help locate a missing loved one or perhaps aid in the solving of a crime.

If you wish to receive a message from a loved one that has passed away, you should seek out a clairvoyant. They can let you know that your family member or friend is happy on the other side. Also, clairvoyants can pass along messages that the family member may not have had a chance to tell you when they were alive. This could include details regarding their death, the location of family heirlooms or perhaps simply the message that they love you.

Many clairvoyants will prove their abilities by performing feats that are impossible for the non-psychic. They will know the contents of a package without being informed of what it is inside the box beforehand. A clairvoyant can also prove their ability by having their eyes completely covered and still be able to see what is going on around them. Other clairvoyants can sketch things with their eyes closed or placed in a completely dark room.

Clairvoyance also includes the capacity to see visions of the past and the future. A psychic that is clairvoyant can let you know about occurrences out of the normal range of vision. If you are curious about someone that you have lost touch with, a clairvoyant can let you know how he or she is doing. Clairvoyance falls under the category of extrasensory perception or ESP. The knowledge that they receive is a spiritual gift that can be used to help others.

Some clairvoyants are born with this power. Other people gain this ability following a near death experience, a serious illness, a head injury or simply learning to tap into their psychic energy. Many schools of thought set forth the notion that all people are born with clairvoyance. However, society forces the child to no longer tap into this ability. A reputable psychic will practice clairvoyance without the use of drugs. A clairvoyant can often make use of the spiritual qualities found within crystals.

Speaking with a clairvoyant will prove to be an amazing experience. You will be stunned at the things that they will be able to see, just by using their mind. They can communicate with other realms and perhaps give you incredible messages from the dead. They can also help you locate things that you have lost, whether it is an object or an old friend. Let a clairvoyant help you solve the mysteries of your life.


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Clairaudience is a form of psychic ability that many people might claim to have. Remember that as with all different forms of psychic ability, it is important to know that while many people might claim to have the gifts and while many people might claim to have clairaudience, only a true physic and one with a psychic gift are actually going to be able to give you a clear reading with clairaudience.

Clairaudience is defined as something that is the act of hearing, which mea...

psychic,psychics,astrology,horoscope,tarot,paranormal,new age

Clairaudience is a form of psychic ability that many people might claim to have. Remember that as with all different forms of psychic ability, it is important to know that while many people might claim to have the gifts and while many people might claim to have clairaudience, only a true physic and one with a psychic gift are actually going to be able to give you a clear reading with clairaudience.

Clairaudience is defined as something that is the act of hearing, which means that the person who has the Clairaudience is able to hear sounds that are not normally audible to other people. This is a special faculty that is in connection with a kind of Spiritual Mediumship.

If you have the powers of clairaudience, you usually will be using a crystal. This crystal will help you to bring the things that you are hearing into your actual consciousness. This is because often when someone who has the gift of clairaudience is hearing things, they are not quite aware of what they are hearing, or what it means. By using the crystal, someone who has this gift will be able to hear the other things around them, and they will be able to interpret what they are hearing.

Some physics might combine clairaudience with crystal gazing, which means that they will spend a long time gazing in a crystal surface. Although it appears that they are viewing something within the crystal they will eventually hear something instead of seeing something. They hear voices, whispers and other sounds that they put together to form a message.

This is a very substantial gift to have if you are a psychic. For some psychics their power manifests in the art of reading cards or numbers, and they are going to be able to translate the messages they see through these methods into a reading. Some other psychics see visions: colors, objects and people, and translate these into a message for their clients. However, psychics blessed with the power of clairaudience are able to actually hear the things that are being said. This is the way their psychic power manifests itself for them and so it is through what they hear that they are able to do a reading for you.

Like all forms of psychic ability, the ability of clairaudience is something that few possess. With crystal gazing, if you fail to see things in the crystal, it means that you dont have the particular gift for sight. With clairaudience, the same thing is true. If you are using the crystal and you dont hear anything, it means that you do not have the gift of being able to hear psychic vibrations.

There are many ways that someone who has the gift of clairaudience will go about doing a reading. Most likely they will ask you what questions you have, and what you want to focus on. They might then use crystals to focus what they are hearing in order to form messages that can be conveyed to you. Many times the words will not be recognizable to you, but the psychic will be able to translate them into messages that will make sense for you. It is important that you cooperate with your clairaudient psychic and validate any messages she might be receiving. She might give you personal information that only you might be able to interpret so pay attention to what messages come through.

Since clairaudience involves hearing actual words and voices the rate of accuracy of your reading is bound to be very high if done by a clairaudient psychic. If you have never received a reading from a clairaudient psychic, get prepared to be dazzled by her accurate predictions and messages.


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Clams a la du chef

Clams A La Du Chef

Are you a seafood lover well if you are here is something different, this recipe will tantalize your taste buds and make you scream for more, this is a great appetizer as well as a wonderful dinner...

clams,seafood,recipe,seafood rcipe,baked clams,baked clam recipe,

Are you a seafood lover well if you are here is something different, this recipe will tantalize your taste buds and make you scream for more, this is a great appetizer as well as a wonderful dinner, in this recipe you must use your judgment and use as much of a particular ingredient that you like or as little of each that you dont like but you will find that by adding all the ingredients gives a nice balance to this dish.
Am I making you hungry? Well I hope so, now do stay with me because I can show people how to do things better than I can tell you. Ok were off.

Open 12 raw clams to be on the half shell and do take the time to check for pieces of shell in the clam, loosen the calm from the bottom part of the shell.

Herb Butter for clams:


Mince some watercress, parsley, shallots, anchovies, almonds, just a bit of garlic

Add some Pernod wine, Anisette, and a few drops of tobasco sauce

Mix the above ingredients together.

Place some of the herb butter mixture on each of the clams then p


New Paleo Diet Cookbook With Over 370 Recipes

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Classic tv dvds and memorabilia growing in popularity

Classic Tv Dvds And Memorabilia Growing In Popularity

TVLand and Nick-at-Night are not the only places we find classic television shows. They are cropping up more and more places. Classic TV collectibles are popular items on auction sites such as Ebay. Enter Classic television show collectibles into your Google-powered search engine and you will find around 170,000 possibilities.

Run through a few of those results and you will find everything from classic television DVDs, lunch boxes, costumes, watches, salt and pepper...

classic television dvds, classic tv, donny and marie, sonny and cher, classic TV DVD, classic televi

TVLand and Nick-at-Night are not the only places we find classic television shows. They are cropping up more and more places. Classic TV collectibles are popular items on auction sites such as Ebay. Enter Classic television show collectibles into your Google-powered search engine and you will find around 170,000 possibilities.

Run through a few of those results and you will find everything from classic television DVDs, lunch boxes, costumes, watches, salt and pepper shakers, vintage posters, and dolls. A quick search on Amazon.com found The Best of Donny and Marie (DVD) Volume 1 (1976). There are websites and online stores whose sole purpose is to sell classic television paraphernalia. These sites are capitalizing on the baby boomers affinity for nostalgia. Collectors are scooping up the vintage collectibles.

There are companies who are bringing back the collectibles by manufacturing New Vintage collectibles. New metal lunch boxes with Donny and Marie, Superman, The Flintstones, Scooby Doo, and even the Dukes of Hazzard are popping up all over the place. With true vintage lunch boxes going for hundreds of dollars, these replacements, although lacking authenticity, are an affordable option for those who just want to revisit the good old days of classic television.

The release of classic TV DVDs has made it possible for people to sit back and enjoy hours of their favorite shows from yesterday. The appeal of these shows for many is the down-home nature of the comedy. They dont rely on profanity, off-color remarks, or blatant sexual angles for their humor. They remind us of a simpler time. Donny and Marie, Sonny and Cher, The Partridge Family, The Waltons, The Brady Bunch, and many more shows take us back to a time when it was okay to say things like Gosh and Golly. It was more than okay to love your family and country. It was expected. It was safe to turn on the television with the family and enjoy a nice show together.

The collectibles associated with these shows are gaining in popularity. As many from those generations begin to find more time for hobbies and have a little extra disposable income, the collectibles are becoming more desirable. Donny and Marie dolls, which were released in August 1976 with an accompanying TV Studio, are popular finds. Sonny and Cher costumes are popular at costume parties. The Partridge Family memorabilia is making a strong comeback, as well.

Some of these classic television shows are enjoying a rebirth due to remakes of the originals. The Brady Bunch surged forward after a new generation was exposed to a less-than authentic version of the show in the 1995 version. Even with the tongue-in-cheek style of this movie, many people began seeking authentic Brady Bunch memorabilia and collectibles. The market for these items soared. The same held true for the Scooby Doo collectibles after the 2002 release of the movie. This one was so popular a sequel was made. This remake has brought about a whole new market for Scooby Doo collectibles, new and old alike. After the movie was released classic Scooby Doo DVDs were flying off the shelves. With the popularity of these classic television remakes it is not unrealistic to expect many more to follow.

As with any commodity, as the demand increases, the price will rise. Many collectors search for pieces to round out their collection for a more intrinsic value, rather than simply price. A collection of classic television show collectibles may be worth a substantial amount of money, but it is the nostalgia that holds the true value. You cant put a price on the memories those collectibles will elicit, or the feelings locked deep inside that are released when you hold that Donny and Marie lunchbox just like the one you had as a kid.

To find that special classic TV DVD or other collectible it may be as simple as hitting search on your search engine. Whether it is a find at a garage sale or a purchase off the web, it is the joy of releasing that inner child and finding that peace that simple joys bring that makes classic television collectibles true treasures.

~Ben Anton, 2007


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Cisco ccnp bsci certification troubleshooting route redistribution part i

Cisco CCNP / BSCI Certification: Troubleshooting Route Redistribution, Part I

Route redistribution looks easy, but there are details you must master to pass the CCNP exams and become a master networker. Learn how to troubleshoot one common redistribution error from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933.

Ccnp, bsci, exam, certification, pass, route, redistribution, subnets, ospf, rip, bgp, table, show, ip , route, version, 2

If there's one CCNP / BSCI topic that looks so easy but can lead to a real headache, it's route redistribution. I'm not even talking about the routing loops and suboptimal routing that can result when route redistribution is done without proper planning - I'm talking about the basic commands themselves. Leaving out one single command option, or forgetting what else needs to be redistributed when redistributing dynamically discovered routes, can leave you with a routing table that looks complete but does not result in full IP connectivity.

In this free CCNP / BSCI tutorial series, we'll take a look at three common errors in route redistribution configurations, and how to fix them. We'll use three routers, R1, R3, and R5. R1 and R5 are in a RIPv2 domain and R1 and R3 are in an OSPF domain. R1 will be performing two-way route redistribution.

R5 is advertising its loopback,, into the RIPv2 domain. R1 sees this route in it


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Classic Style Kitchen Furniture-Timeless Furniture For Your Home

A kitchen island is a stylish solution to the problem of finding usable workplace in a classic home kitchen. The proper selection of required materials such as tiles, stainless steel, wood and stone for the kitchen island is as important as the choice of kitchen furniture. When choosing a kitchen island, it is also very important to select one with the proper amount of storage and workspace to ensure that you will get the optimal amount of use from it.

There is a wide rang...

classic style kitchen furniture,farmhouse kitchen table styles,heatproof kitchen table,high end dini

A kitchen island is a stylish solution to the problem of finding usable workplace in a classic home kitchen. The proper selection of required materials such as tiles, stainless steel, wood and stone for the kitchen island is as important as the choice of kitchen furniture. When choosing a kitchen island, it is also very important to select one with the proper amount of storage and workspace to ensure that you will get the optimal amount of use from it.

There is a wide range of classic style kitchen furniture available in the market. You can get anything from your kitchen table and chairs to a bakers rack in the classic style. Because there are quite a few kitchen furniture items to choose from, you should make sure that you are purchasing the one you want so that you are guaranteed to be happy with your purchase for years to come.

A classic style kitchen furniture set can upgrade the status of your kitchen into one of the most enjoyable places in the home to entertain. The stylish look of the furniture a


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Cisco microsoft computer certification be ready for your opportunity

Cisco / Microsoft Computer Certification: Be Ready For Your Opportunity

If you're in Information Technology or want to break in, you've got to be ready when opportunity comes along - and you do that by planning ahead and working today. Learn how from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933.

cisco, ccna, ccnp, microsoft, computer, certification, mcse, vista, nt, pass, exam, novell, bryant

I was reading The Big Moo: Stop Trying To Be Perfect and Start Being Remarkable this morning, and Id recommend a copy of this to anyone who wants to improve their career and their future. And thats all of us, right?

There was one particular line that really stood out to me: Betting on change is always the safest bet available. That describes life perfectly, but it also describes a career in Information Technology perfectly as well. There is no field in the world that has the constant and never-ending changes that IT does. And every single one of us can look at this as a massive opportunity for personal and professional growth.

Is that how youre looking at it? I remember when I passed my first certification exam, the Novell CAN, back in 1997. Man, I thought I knew it all then! But I quickly learned that youve got to keep learning in IT. I also learned that if youre willing to put in the work and make the sacrifices, theres no other field with the limitless potential for growth and excellence.


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Cisco certification the importance of building your own home lab

Cisco Certification: The Importance Of Building Your Own Home Lab

To earn your CCNA and CCNP, and to be effective on the job, it's more important than ever to get hands-on experience with real Cisco equipment. Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, tells you why.

ccna, ccnp, free, pass, exam, cisco, certification, computer, mcse, ccie, chris, bryant

CCNAs and CCNA candidates hear it all the time: Get some hands-on experience. From my personal experience climbing the Cisco certification ladder, I can tell you firsthand that there is no learning like hands-on learning. No simulator in the world is going to give you the experience you will get cabling and configuring your own routers.

Whenever I mention this to one of my students, they always say it costs too much. The truth is, it is cheaper now to build your own CCNA and CCNP lab than it has ever been. The secret? Used routers.

The word used turns off a lot of people not many of us buy used computers or used servers. Cisco routers, though, are robust I personally own a Cisco 4000 router that I use as a Frame Relay switch in my lab that Ive had for about four years, and Ive never had a problem with it.

The good news for current CCNA and CCNP candidates interested in building their own labs is that used Cisco equipment has never been more plentiful or cheaper. eBay is a good w


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Cisco ccnp bsci exam tutorial configuring and troubleshooting ospf virtual links

Cisco CCNP / BSCI Exam Tutorial: Configuring And Troubleshooting OSPF Virtual Links

Configuring and troubleshooting OSPF virtual links are skills you'll need to pass the BSCI exam. Learn these skills from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933.

cisco, ccnp, certification, bsci, ospf, virtual, links, stub, total, area, ccna, pass, free, transit

Knowing when and how to create an OSPF virtual link is an essential skill for BSCI and CCNP exam success, not to mention how important it can be on your job! As a CCNA and CCNP candidate, you know the theory of virtual links, so let's take a look at how to configure a virtual link, as well as some real-world tips that many CCNA and CCNP study guides leave out!

In this configuration, no router with an interface in Area 4 has a physical interface in Area 0. This means a logical connection to Area 0, a virtual link, must be built.

In the following example, R1 and R3 are adjacent and both have interfaces in Area 0. R4 has an adjacency with R3 via Area 34, but R4 has no physical interface in Area 0 and is advertising its loopback into OSPF. R1 doesn't have the route to that loopback.

R1#show ip route ospf is subnetted, 1 subnets

O [110/11] via, 01:05:45, Ethernet0 is subnetted, 1 subnets


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Classic drives the garden route south africa

Classic Drives The Garden Route, South Africa

The stunning Garden Route runs from South Africas most popular tourist destination, Cape Town, for 800 km along the scenic coastline between this city and Port Elizabeth. The area enjoys a Mediterranean maritime climate and the trip is regarded as one of the worlds truly classic coastal drives.

As you drive along the well-forested coastal plain, youll find freshwater lakes, lovely lagoons filled with water birds, indigenous forests of giant yellowwood trees and fields c...

Holidays to South Africa, South Africa tours

The stunning Garden Route runs from South Africas most popular tourist destination, Cape Town, for 800 km along the scenic coastline between this city and Port Elizabeth. The area enjoys a Mediterranean maritime climate and the trip is regarded as one of the worlds truly classic coastal drives.

As you drive along the well-forested coastal plain, youll find freshwater lakes, lovely lagoons filled with water birds, indigenous forests of giant yellowwood trees and fields covered in colourful wildflowers. Its easy to see why visitors are drawn to this beautiful region year-round.

One of the highlights of a drive along the Garden Route is a stop at the sleepy coastal town of Hermanus near the southern-most tip of Africa. The town is situated next to a 12-km path that runs along the cliff top, right next to the ocean. From May to December, pods of Southern Right Whales swim to within 20 metres of the cliff as they travel along the coast.

The more adventurous traveller can try some heart-stopping shark cage diving, sea kayaking, abseiling, scuba diving, sand boarding, and paragliding. Those looking for something more relaxing to do can visit the vineyards in a nearby valley and do the short drive to the southernmost tip of Africa, where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean.

You will have to drive inland to visit Oudtshoorn, which was built in the early 1800s, in the centre of the Klein Karoo, a semi-desert area wedged between the coastal mountains to the south and the spectacular Swartberg mountain range to the north. The town was the world capital of the Ostrich feather industry during Victorian times, and many grand houses from that era are still standing today. Theres plenty to do in Oudtshoorn you can try riding an ostrich at an ostrich farm, take a tour through the magnificent Cango Caves that stretch for kilometres throughout the mountains, visit the vineyards, and even stroke a Cheetah at Cheetahland.

Back on coast, the Garden Route takes you to George, located on a 10-km plateau that runs from the majestic Outeniqua Mountain to the Indian Ocean. Besides enjoying whale watching, surfing, swimming, scuba diving and paragliding, youll find three of South Africas top golf courses are also located here. The Fancourt Golf Estate is especially popular, with an 18-hole course designed by Gary Player, a golf academy, exclusive hotel and conference centre, restaurants, and numerous sporting facilities.

Further along the coast toward Port Elizabeth is the town of Knysna, also a very popular tourist destination. This laid-back town is situated between a lush indigenous forest, home to the last of the forest-dwelling elephants in Africa, and a beautiful lagoon teeming with birds and other wildlife. The oysters grown in this unpolluted lagoon are among the tastiest in the world. The closest beach is in nearby Buffalo Bay, a favourite spot for fishing, surfing and swimming, as well as whale and dolphin watching. The entire area surrounding Knysna, with its incredible biological richness and beauty, is a paradise for the eco-traveller, with plenty of places to camp, hike, canoe, kayak, and observe the unique wildlife.

At Plettenberg Bay, there are ten important nature reserves as well as marine reserves. The endangered Southern Right Whale calves in the bay from July to December, and seals and dolphins live here all year round. In the bay you can snorkel and scuba dive on unique soft coral reefs, and on the beach youll find a wide range of water sports on offer, including fishing, surfing, swimming and sailing. Nearby, there are superb hiking and mountain biking trails, horse riding, kayaking and canoeing in scenic Natures Valley and Stormsriver.

Your drive along the Garden Route ends in Port Elizabeth, on the shores of beautiful Algoa Bay.


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Cisco certification learning to navigate cisco s online documentation

Cisco Certification: Learning To Navigate Cisco's Online Documentation

Many CCNA and CCNP candidates don't realize that one of their most powerful study tools is online - and free! Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, introduces you to Cisco's online documentation website.

ccna, ccnp, free, pass, exam, cisco, certification, computer, mcse, ccie, chris, bryant

When studying for your Cisco CCNA, CCNP, or CCIE exam, youve got a powerful online weapon at your disposal. Its Cisco Connection Documentation, found at . This site contains product, code, and protocol documentation for all Cisco products.

Many exam candidates really dont start using this powerful tool until theyre studying for their more advanced exams. However, its important for CCNAs, CCNPs, and candidates for these certifications to learn their way around this site. It comes in handy for finding default values that Cisco really enjoys asking about on exams, and the protocol documentation found there can help you study as well.

The site can be a little overwhelming for newcomers, but its actually easy to navigate. On the sites homepage, youre presented with a list of products and several drop-down menus. To get started, I suggest you choose Cisco IOS Software in the top-right drop-down menu, and select a code version. 12.2 is a good one to start with. From there, select the IOS R


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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cisco ccnp bsci exam tutorial rip update packet authentication

Cisco CCNP / BSCI Exam Tutorial: RIP Update Packet Authentication

Configuring RIP update packet authentication is an important skill for the BSCI exam and the real world! Learn how to perform this tricky configuration from Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933.

Ccnp, bsci, exam, rip, packet, authentication, clear, text, md5, interface, command, pass, free, tutorial, certification

When you earned your CCNA, you thought you learned everything there is to know about RIP. Close, but not quite! There are some additional details you need to know to pass the BSCI exam and get one step closer to the CCNP exam, and one of those involves RIP update packet authentication.

You're familiar with some advantages of using RIPv2 over RIPv1, support for VLSM chief among them. But one advantage that you're not introduced to in your CCNA studies is the ability to configure routing update packet authentication.

You have two options, clear text and MD5. Clear text is just that - a clear text password that is visible by anyone who can pick a packet off the wire. If you're going to go to the trouble of configuring update authentication, you should use MD5. The MD stands for "Message Digest", and this is the algorithm that produces the hash value for the password that will be contained in the update packets.

Not only must the routers agree on the password, they must agree on the authentication


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Cisco ccnp certification faq

Cisco CCNP Certification FAQ

Chris Bryant, CCIE #12933, answers questions commonly asked by CCNP candidates regarding certification and recertification requirements.


To earn your CCNP, you've got to pass some very rigorous Cisco exams, and you also need to know the rules regarding this important certification. In this article, I'll answer some of the most commonly asked questions regarding the CCNP.

Q: What exams do I need to pass to get my CCNP?

A: You have two options, a three-exam path and a four-exam path. Currently, the four-exam path consists of rigorous exams on advanced routing techniques (BSCI), advanced switching (BCMSN), remote access methods (BCRAN), and advanced troubleshooting techniques (CIT). The three-exam path combines the BCMSN and BSCI exams into a single exam, the Composite exam.

Q: Do I have to take them in any order?

A: No, the order is up to the candidate. Most CCNP candidates take the BSCI exam first and the CIT exam last, but again this is up to the candidate.

Q: What else do I have to do to get the CCNP?

A: You must earn your CCNA before you can be CCNP certified (as well as passing the exams, of course).

Q: Is there a recer


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Citizen eco drive

Citizen Eco Drive

What will you do with your battery now that your watch doesnt need one?

swiss, citizen, wrist watches, pocket watches, tourbillions

This very slogan was introduced by CITIZEN Watch Company presenting their innovating technology called ECO-DRIVE. The Eco-Drive watch has become a real step towards the future. The original idea of these watch coined in 1995 is a complete realization of contemporary development in the sphere of high tech.

Citizen, the worlds largest watch company, was established in 1930. All the products manufactured by this company are known all over the world. Printers, calculators, machinery and of course watch have invariably good quality.

More than a decade ago Citizen introduced the revolutionary Eco-Drive collection which has become the worlds most popular collection of light-powered watch. The collection is being improved constantly trying to achieve perfect quality, reliability and attractive design. The idea of Eco-Drive watch is perfectly simply the power source is widely available, free of charge, inexhaustible and harmless. This is the sun power.

The watch is equipped with a special lithium-ion battery that is charged by an amorphous silicon solar cell located behind the dial. Depending on the model, a fully-charged cell could run with no further charging for more than 6 months. If the watch are kept in the dark for a long time, a sleep mode activates, and in case of this the dials of the watch would stop running but the internal quartz movement would still keep track of time.

The design of the first Citizen Eco-Drive watch was influenced by technical factors only. That is why the first collections were equipped by large accumulators that resulted in the huge size and not very attractive appearance. Unlike early solar-powered watches, the solar panels in latest Eco-Drive watch are almost invisible. Moreover, while earlier manufacturers were limited in choosing the color of the dial, now the variation of colors, shapes and materials can attract the most fastidious and capricious clients.

The latest Eco-Drive models developed by highly qualified and extremely talented designers and engineers of Citizen company are constituted according to the last world trends both in technology and in fashion. One can be really impressed by thin, elegant, stylish and at the same time classical design of the watch. Citizen offers a variety of materials that the body of watch is made of.

It is undoubtedly obvious that the Citizen Company succeeded to find the niche for its Eco-Drive brand. It comes as not surprise that ecological technology used in the watch together with smart appearance and progressive technical innovations have gained wide recognition all over the world.


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